Strategies and adaptations of rural tourism in the Fourth Colony Region (RS) in pandemic times
Rural and gastronomic tourism is an option adopted by the family farmer to diversify their economic activities in rural areas, also providing new dynamics to this space. Social isolation has substantially shaken the tourism sector, which required further adaptations regarding the rules of operation of tourist spaces and quipamentos. The work aims to evaluate the strategies and adaptations of the owners of establishments located in the Region of the Fourth Colony of Santa Maria - RS regarding the maintenance of their restaurants, bars and the like during this pandemic period. The methodology consisted of a bibliographic and documentary approach, exploratory and descriptive, with field tripes. The main results achieved by the research suggest that the rural environment is being seen as a place that combines quality of life and leisure with intense identity culture, where colonization has determined its own characteristics. The territory of the Fourth Colony to intensify its tourism potential should overcome some obstacles such as: greater engagement of the public power, greater receptivity of the community and acceptance of new alternatives of generation of work combined with improvements in the general infrastructure.
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