The society-nature relationship in the paleodunar territories of the São Francisco River/BA
The São Francisco River has outlined in its course many geological-geomorphological features, and among them it is possible to highlight the paleodune fields, built in other periods of the Earth's history. These sandy features have, over the years, lost their original characteristics attributed not only to natural erosive agents, but also to anthropogenic agents, since the relationship established between society and nature has not been harmonious. In this sense, this research deals with the relationship of the inhabitants and riverside dwellers of the paleodunar territories around the São Francisco River in the municipality of Casa Nova/BA, with nature., and their respective impacts. It is a qualitative-quantitative research, exploratory, bibliographical and field. The findings indicate that the paleoenvironment is in very considerable stages of degradation, requiring the implementation of conservation proposals that can mitigate the damage caused to the physical and natural environment and which, consequently, has affected the local society.
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Copyright (c) 2021 CLECIA SIMONE GONÇALVES ROSA PACHECO, Reinaldo Pacheco dos Santos, Izabel Pesqueira Ribeiro Araújo, Márcia Bento Moreira, Jairton Fraga Araújo
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