A eficiência do mix de adubação organo-mineral na biologia floral em cultivares de tomate cereja (Solanum lycopersicum L., solanaceae) mantidos em casa de vegetação.
Desenvolvimento fenológico. Fertilização. Frutificação. Nutrição do tomateiroAbstract
Tomato is considered one of the most demanding vegetables in soil nutrition, the amount of nutrients extracted is relatively small, because the efficiency of nutrient absorption by the plant is low, but it can contribute to a better efficiency in its phenology. The objective of this study was to know the efficiency of the effects of doses of the mix of organic fertilizer on Floral Biology in cultivars of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L., solanaceae) kept in a greenhouse. The research was conducted in a greenhouse belonging to the State University of Alagoas, Campus I, located in Arapiraca-AL. Cultivated during the period from August/2020 to July/2021. The experimental design was completely randomized (DIC) in a factorial scheme with four treatments with and 5 replications (T1 - control soil, T2 - soil with mixed mineral fertilizer dose, T3 - soil with saltpeter dose, T4 - soil with lime dose of shells).. The phenological varieties of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L., solanaceae) that were evaluated in the pre-harvest period were: height (cm), stem diameter (DC), lateral branches (RL), number of leaves (NFO), flower buds (BF), number of fruits (NFR), chlorophyll and soil moisture. Data records were collected weekly in a spreadsheet with the varieties evaluated since the thinning of the seedlings. Data were analyzed using the quadratic equation for the effects of doses of the organic-mineral fertilizer mix.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Wesley Galdino, Rubens Pessoa de Barros, Daniel de Souza Santos, Micaelle Glícia dos Santos Silva, Dayane dos Santos Silva, Jadielson Inácio de Sousa
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