Diametric distribution of adult and regenerating arboreal individuals in a Caatinga area in the process of recovery
Área degradada, Pioneiras, Regeneração naturalAbstract
This study aimed to determine the diameter distribution of arboreal and regenerating individuals in an area of Caatinga in recovery process. The work was developed at the NUPEARIDO farm, Patos – PB, where adult individuals of the species Mimosa tenuiflora and Cnidoscolus quercifolius were planted in 2008 and in 2014, the secondary Handroanthus impetiginosus and Amburana cearensis. Diameter measurements were performed at breast level (DBH) and at ground level (DNS), for the trees and regenerants of both species, respectively. Mortality of secondary species and soil moisture content were also observed over the months of the year. The results showed that the arboreal individuals of both pioneer species are centered in the diameter class II (12-22 cm). As for regenerants, the largest number of individuals is found in diameter class I (0.2-12 mm) for Mimosa tenuiflora and class II (12 – 22 mm) for Cnidoscolus quercifolius. The high mortality of secondary species was found. The largest diameters were found in the first diametric classes, in which the climatic conditions may be related to the development of the species and the regeneration process in an area undergoing recovery requires time to adapt to local conditions.
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