A dinâmica da dívida pública alagoana após o pacto federativo
This paper aims to analyze the dynamics of alagoas public debt in the period 1997-2020, considering the effort to comply with contractual clauses in the face of low fiscal collection capacity and clearly fragile social and economic structures. The starting point is the federative pact signed in the 1990s, under the protection of Law No. 9,496/97 and, later, complementary laws 148/2014 and 156/2016. The research is based on data provided by the State Department of Finance of Alagoas (SEFAZ), database of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and specific bibliographic research. The objective is, in the light of a critical analysis, to unveil the public indebtedness of Alagoas, submerged in long-term contracts, updated by inflationary indices, interest rates and exchange rate variations, throughout the analyzed period.
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