Gamification as a strategy for teaching Human Evolution
Science Teaching, Active Methodologies, Pedagogical Tool.Abstract
PIBID is a teaching initiation program linked to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), which aims to bring licenciates students closer to their future work environment. Generally, the activities carried out by the program took place in person, where the pibidians went to schools, and were inserted into the active reality of the institution. However, with the advent of the current pandemic caused by COVID-19, all these interactions had to be rethought. For this reason, just as pedagogical strategies had to be adapted to the new reality of remote teaching, PIBID interventions took on a new format. Therefore, we developed a didactic sequence addressing the contents of Human Evolution, so that in part of this activity we used gamification as a teaching methodology, in order to make the class more attractive and fun. The didactic sequence was applied in a class of the 1st grade of high school, composed of 40 students, enrolled at Colégio Estadual Paulo Freire, located in the city of Jequié-BA. Based on the results obtained, despite the difficulties encountered along the way, we conclude that gamification benefits the learning of complex content, favors engagement and motivation, in addition to promoting social, emotional, behavioral and political development. We note, then, that these alternative methodologies are increasingly gaining ground within the school, since they bring with them the proposal to transform teaching and learning, enabling the development of the student's active role within the classroom and society.
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