Aplicação da sequência didática em uma microaula sobre Revolução Russa para o Ensino Fundamental


  • Sheyla Farias Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Vanessa Biserra Pereira UFAL
  • Klebson Silva Ferreira UFAL
  • Rejane Maria da Conceição UFAL




História, Revolução Russa, ensino fundamental, ensino remoto


This article is the result of a microclass experience, carried out for students of the 9th year of elementary school, from the José Bezerra da Silva Municipal School, located in the Municipality of Delmiro Gouveia - AL. Contact with basic education students took place through the Pedagogical Residency Program, which provided us with this stage different from the other models offered to History undergraduates. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, Brazilian schools have adopted remote teaching with the use of technological resources as an alternative so that students do not fail to receive the necessary knowledge for their personal development. In our microclass we approach the subject of the Russian Revolution, with the aim of stimulating critical reflection, inducing thinking about the remarkable events that happened at the time and their influences on the geopolitical organization of contemporaneity. We found that elementary school students, even with so many problems regarding connection and inadequate devices to attend classes, did not stop studying or participating on the days and times scheduled. Thus, we were successful in attracting students' attention in front of a computer or cell phone, where this was one of the biggest challenges faced by teachers at this time of pandemic.


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Author Biography

Sheyla Farias Silva, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Curso de História


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How to Cite

Silva, S. F., Pereira, V. B., Silva Ferreira, K., & da Conceição, R. M. (2022). Aplicação da sequência didática em uma microaula sobre Revolução Russa para o Ensino Fundamental. Diversitas Journal, 7(4). https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v7i4.2255



Dossiê Temático- Relatos de experiências no âmbito do PIBID e PRP