Mediação de ensino por meio do aplicativo WhatsApp: reflexões pibidianas


  • Ariane Regina Ribeiro Sapucaia do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alagoas (Ifal)
  • Cleonice Maria Ferreira de Carvalho do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alagoas (Ifal)
  • Joel Marcos da Silva Santos IFAL
  • Ricardo Jorge de Sousa Cavalcanti do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alagoas (Ifal)
  • Maria de Fátima das Montanhas Avelino



Teaching initiation, Experience, Transformative education, Pandemic, Social exclusion


Considering that the Covid-19 pandemic caused the remote teaching after the schools were closed, challenging the students and teachers with the "new" teaching reality, this research is about Pibid and the educational (re)affirmation as a symbol of resistance and change, in order to analyze the implications of the emergency measure in this pedagogical process. To do so, it’s essential to identify the profile of the students; reflect on their challenges and resistance in the current context; and to evaluate how the consequences of remote teaching deepen and reflect existing problems. Therefore, an exploratory methodological research is carried out, with the help of bibliographic and documental procedures, with the purpose of investigating and presenting, through the eyes of the scholarship recipients of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (Pibid), the changes and the educational impact of the situation. As corpus we have the collection and analysis of data to answer the research problem, as well as concepts discussed in the Pibid work plans. Therefore, it is verified that the results found were relevant to (re)know the specificities and the social vulnerability of these students, which imposes the verification of a collective deprivation of access and use of virtual platforms.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Sapucaia, A. R., Ferreira de Carvalho, C. M., da Silva Santos, J. M., de Sousa Cavalcanti, . R. J., & das Montanhas Avelino, M. de F. (2022). Mediação de ensino por meio do aplicativo WhatsApp: reflexões pibidianas . Diversitas Journal, 7(3).



Dossiê Temático- Relatos de experiências no âmbito do PIBID e PRP