Characterization and genetic divergence of ‘crioulas’ varieties of bean
Phaseolus spp., germoplasma, recursos genéticos, erosão genética, an´álise multivariadaAbstract
Population growth and the use of breeding cultivars have reduced the biodiversity of native species, such as ‘crioulas’ varieties, which are important because, due to genetic variability, they have tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, allowing their cultivation in different agroecosystems. The conservation of genetic resources in germplasm banks is important, as it avoids the extinction of the species. This research aimed at the morphological characterization of seeds and the genetic divergence of 23 ‘crioulas’ varieties of beans (Phaseolus spp.) cultivated in the Agreste Meridional region of Pernambuco. The varieties were obtained in open markets and seed exchange fairs, being characterized in terms of morphological and biometric aspects. Variability was observed in the format, with a predominance of the elliptical profile (13 varieties), semi-flat grain (12 varieties), tegument color (broad variation) and tegument pattern (absent to marbled), brilliance seeds (14 varieties), halum (broad variation), presence of signal and testa color. There was variation in the 100-seeds weight (16.54 up to 56.35 g), length, width and thickness, with small, medium and large seeds that, from the principal components analysis, it was possible to observe genetic divergence (92, 1% accumulated variance), with the formation of eight groups by the Tocher method. The ‘Preto’, ‘Rosinha’, ‘Caianinha’, ‘Corda 1’, ‘Corda 3’, ‘Carioca’, ‘Quixaba Comum’, ‘Vermelho 1’ and ‘Lavandeira’ varieties gathered characteristics of interest to the consumer. The results showed that family farmers preserve the genetic diversity of the bean varieties, evidencing the influence of seed exchange network to reduce genetic erosion
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