Behavioral economics in public policies: analysis of an incentive to education in The State of Alagoas
nudges, development, educational performanceAbstract
The present work analyzes, as its main objective, an education incentive program in the state of Alagoas, dealing with the concept of behavioral economics in public policies, associating it with a public policy that acts as an incentive for the improvement of indicators of public education, the Vem que Dá Tempo Program. The research has the following specific objectives: (1) to analyze the theoretical framework on behavioral economics in public policies; (2) explore the results of educational and human indicators in the State of Alagoas (2017-2022); (3) to analyze the performance of the State of Alagoas within the Vem que Dá Tempo Program of the Department of Education (SEDUC) of the State of Alagoas; (4) Evaluate the performance of Alagoas in the indicators of the literacy rate and schooling of the education dimension of the HDI; (5) build conclusions and recommendations on the data collection. In terms of methodology, we carried out a bibliographic and documentary survey and also used descriptive statistics to process data and information from the HDI and from the Department of Education of the State of Alagoas, with the collection of statistics regarding state indices. Based on the HDI, it was evident, in general, the progress of the program, in relation to indicators of the Education dimension of the HDI, where such a policy has the potential to further leverage the indicators, providing an expected advance in the result of the HDI, in the period 2017-2022.
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