Determinantes do investimento estrangeiro direto para os países do Mercosul
Capital estrangeiro, exportações, Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários EmpilhadosAbstract
The globalization process is increasingly progressing, breaking through barriers, and connecting countries. The world transforms, societies transform and so does the market. With countries opening up to the world, companies have discovered new ways to internationalize beyond exports and imports, and one of them is the foreign direct investment (FDI). In the business perspective, it is a strategy to reach new markets, expand internationally, increase operations, and enhance profits. For countries, it means gaining more foreign capital, new technologies and ways to do business, which can in turn create more jobs and revenues. Therefore, in this work, possible factors that can be decisive for a company to choose to invest in a country have been analyzed. The analyzed factors were GDP growth, Economic Freedom, Unemployment Rate, Domestic Credit to Private Sector and Intellectual Property Collection, since they represent the economic and institutional factors of a country. The countries that were the subject of analysis were all members and associates of Mercosur, in order to provide a general perspective of the economic bloc. The regression method for this analysis was the pooled ordinary least squares. In the results, we observed that both economic factors and institutions are decisive in attracting investments, therefore, the overall situation of the country is taken into account by multinational companies.
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