Formação leitora no 5º ano do ensino fundamental: uma revisão da literatura em dissertações da plataforma CAPES
Revisão da Literatura, Formação leitora, 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental, DissertaçõesAbstract
The teaching-learning of reading in early childhood education is a key factor for a good educational development of children, especially with regard to reading practices with a view to living in society. Given the above, the work described here is a Systematic Review of Literature (RSL), which selected and analyzed works that addressed the reading formation of students in the 5th year of Elementary School I. For that, we chose to carry out a search on the CAPES Platform, as well as the choice of master's level research carried out in the last five years. In addition to the previously organized keywords, we created some guiding questions, namely: how has reading practices been carried out in elementary school I in the last 5 years within the national territory?; which genres predominate when it comes to working with reading for elementary school students?; and what are the results obtained at the end of the investigations? As a result, we evidence a still small number of researches that discuss the theme, as well as the fact that these researches focus on the development of the reading competence of the students not only with a focus on reading within the school, but beyond the walls of the institutions. through the use of different textual genres.
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