Teoria da Atividade como ferramenta para analisar o trote universitário


  • Carina Patrícia Correia de Aguiar Universidade da Madeira. Funchal, Portugal
  • Eduardo Fermé Universidade da Madeira. Funchal, Portugal




University hazing, Analysis of Communities, Activity Theory


The university hazing is a practice used as a way of initiating new students into the universities. Since its origins, this practice has been the subject of controversy, motivated by the occurrence of violent episodes during the hazing, sometimes with tragic consequences for the students. In the literature, numerous studies analyse this phenomenon. In this paper we propose the use of Activity Theory (AT) as a tool to analyse the university hazing. We will identify throughout the text the different components of this practice, associating them with the concepts that make up an analysis in AT.


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How to Cite

Aguiar, C. P. C. de ., & Fermé, E. (2023). Teoria da Atividade como ferramenta para analisar o trote universitário . Diversitas Journal, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v8i1.2432



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