Population Aging

The impacts on public policies


  • Thiago Oliveira da Silva Federal University of Mato Grosso
  • Dolores Cristina Gomes Galindo Federal University of Mato Grosso




Old age, social security, retirement


This article focuses on the Brazilian population aging process based on population projections and estimates and the impacts of this new scenario on public policies. Thus, intertwined by public policies, life expectancy, the health of the elderly, social security legislation and financial planning are aspects that permeate the lives of people socially categorized as old. To this end, bibliographical research, cataloging of social security legislation and public policies in favor of the elderly were accessed in the knowledge production process. The epicenter of the study is based on Interdisciplinarity with foundations in Human and Social Sciences and Social Psychology, and also in the works and concepts of authors such as Ecléa Bosi, as well as Guita Grin Debert. The works of these authors contribute to reflect on the stigmas surrounding old age, aging, and retirement. The methodology used is based on the principles of Critical Incidents, with authors such as Dolores Galindo and Renata Rodrigues. Given this scenario, the investigation is based on the identification of the aspects of: i) public policies, old age, retirement, financial planning. Such aspects are not analyzed unilaterally. Since the transition from adult to old age does not occur abruptly, but in the form of a process conducted by the individual.


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Author Biographies

Thiago Oliveira da Silva, Federal University of Mato Grosso

Linked to the Federal University of Mato Grosso. Cuiabá, Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil.

Dolores Cristina Gomes Galindo, Federal University of Mato Grosso

Holds a Post-Doctorate (2015-2016), Doctorate (2006) and Master's (2002) in Social Psychology from the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUCSP), with a Sandwich Doctorate at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2004). Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), in 1999. She works as a Professor in the Graduate Program in Contemporary Culture Studies at the Federal University of Mato Grosso and in the Graduate Program in Psychology and Society at UNESP/Assis. She was vice-coordinator and later Coordinator of the Graduate Program (Master's and Doctorate) in Contemporary Culture Studies. At graduation, she worked as a full professor at the Institute of Education of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2013-2021), starting in 2022 to compose the teaching staff of the Federal University of CampinaGrande (UFCG). She leads the Research Group on Technologies, Sciences and Creation (LABTECC), since 2011. She was on the National Board of the Brazilian Association of Social Psychology - ABRAPSO (2016-2017), Alternate Counselor at ULAPSI (2016-2017) and was part of the Coordination of Red Latin American Postgraduates in Studies on Culture - ReLaPec (2014-2016). It is part of ANPEPP's WG Technologies, modes of subjectivation and knowledge production. She was Vice-President of the Midwest Regional of the Brazilian Association of Social Psychology - ABRAPSO (2012-2013) and Secretary (2014-2015). He is an associate member of ESOCITE.BR - Brazilian Association of Social Studies in Science and Technology, ABRAPSO - Brazilian Association of Social Psychology and SBPC - Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science. He coordinated the Internationalization Committee of the Human, Social and Applied Sciences Forum. Founding member of the WG Psychology and Indigenous Peoples CRPMT. Acts as Section Editor of Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento y Investigacion Social (UAB-Spain) and integrates the body of reviewers of several national and international journals. It is part of the National Network Kaleidoscope of Feminist, Transfeminist, Anti-racist, Transdiciplic and Decolonial Studies and Research. Her main research interests are Feminist Psychology, Epistemologies and Methodologies in Science, Technology and Society; Psychology, Subjectivation Processes and Contemporaneity; Psychology, Feminisms and Ethnicities.


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How to Cite

Silva, T. O. da, & Galindo, D. C. G. (2023). Population Aging: The impacts on public policies. Diversitas Journal, 8(4), 2681–2690. https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v8i4.2516



Dossiê Temático: Economia Política, Economia Aplicada e Desenvolvimento Regional