Budget distribution in public housing policies in the municipality of Maceió from 2016 to 2019
Public Policies, Budget Distribution, Housing, Housing Deficit, MaceióAbstract
Housing public policies are one of the main tools that guarantee the social right to housing. This article seeks to investigate how budgetary housing resources are distributed and spent in the city of Maceió and relates this scenario to the housing deficit indices in the period from 2016 to 2019 through the light of the punctuated equilibrium theory. As for the methodological procedure, qualitative and quantitative exploratory research was carried out on the subject and data were compared. The results signaled that the issue of housing is undervalued by government actors and that the consequences surrounding it are not visualized. In addition, to the fact that budgetary barriers reduce the incentive to build transversal and perennial public policies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hugo de Barros Callado Macedo, Monise Morais de Oliveira, Luciana Peixoto Santa Rita, Rodrigo Gameiro Guimarães, Bruno Setton Gonçalves

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