Self-regulation of learning in higher education
an integrative review
University education, Learning self-regulation, BenefitsAbstract
Self-regulation of learning (SRL) consists of the process of self-reflection and action of students, aiming to achieve a personal goal, guide, systematize, organize, monitor, plan and evaluate their actions, thoughts and feelings, being, therefore, a reflective, conscious and proactive activity for their own learning. This work aims to analyze the self-regulation of learning in higher education and how it can influence the academic development of students and the professional training of teachers. It is an integrative bibliographic review with a high sensitivity search in the Scielo, PubMed, LILACS databases and in the ERIC platform, using the following descriptors: "University education", "self-regulation of learning" and "benefits" with the operator boolean “AND”. As for the results, 122 publications were identified, and of which 51 met the specified selection criteria. 40 studies that were not directly related were excluded. Resulting in 11 eligible articles that were included in this review. It is concluded that the self-regulation of learning is an important tool in academic training and will reflect positively on the behavior of students, who will be able to be protagonists of their own training, there needs to be the contribution of the teaching staff in the development of methodologies that favor learning.
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