Health conditions and contextual inequalities in quilombola communities in the covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19., Vulnerable Populations, African Continental Ancestry GroupAbstract
Objective: To analyze vulnerabilities and health conditions in quilombola communities in Sergipe during the covid-19pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional study, with analysis of the perception of quilombolas about covid-19, health, socioeconomic and environmental conditions. Results: The communities had a relatively adequate infrastructure, with water supply and electricity connected to the general network. The sewage collection network is incipient in the communities, where 66.96% of the sewage is collected in a rudimentary cesspool, while in the communities of Capela, the cesspool is present in 53.24% of the residences. Some residents still depend on water supply from wells or springs located on the property or around the home. In the Alagamar and Terra Dura and Coqueiral communities, schooling is predominantly high, while in Aningas and Pirangi the majority of the population has incomplete primary education Conclusion: Actions that support and strengthen sanitary conditions, housing and frequent access to treated water, quilombola communities are of paramount importance, especially in times of a pandemic.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Simone Figueiredo Freitas de Campos, Bruno Silva Santos, Maria Nogueira Marques, Rubens Riscala Madi, Cristiane Costa da Cunha Oliveira, Claudia Moura de Melo
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