Media Ecology, Transhumanism and the Metaverse
Challenges for Media and Technological Literacy
Educommunication, Cultural values, digital society, Social impact, digital inclusionAbstract
This study aimed to explore Media Ecology (ME) and its impact on culture and education in the digital age. Analyze key concepts, examine their use in different contexts, identify tools for media and technological literacy and evaluate their effect on contemporary society. As a methodology,a systematic bibliographic review was carried out to collect relevant information about MS and related aspects. Identify influential authors and essential tools for media and technological literacy. Furthermore, comparative analyzes were carried outto understand the role of MI in different contexts and its impact on today's society. As Development and Results: Several tables were presented that summarize the key concepts of MS, its use, tools and the impact of MS on society. These tables provide an overview of the topics covered, highlighting authors and works related to ME. As final considerations, this work highlighted the importance of media and technological literacy in today's society, where ME plays a fundamental role in perception, understanding and cultural values. The need to understand the negative and positive effects of MS, its contribution to overcoming media and cultural “numbing” was emphasized. This study provided a solid foundation for understanding ME and its relevance to contemporary education and culture. It is hoped that this analysis will inspire further research and debate in this ever-evolving field.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guido Santiago Silva Alvarado, Maryuri Alexandra Zamora Cusme, Newton Aldrin Quintero García, Angel Alberto Vélez Mero, Hilda Esperanza Cevallos Cornejo
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