Morphometric and productive parameters of radish grown under nitrogen sources and doses
Bioimputs, Brassicacea, Horticulture, Raphanussativus, organic manureAbstract
Radish is a vegetable widely consumed around the world and the application of nitrogen increases its productive capacity, both of leaves and roots. Several agricultural residues have nitrogen in their chemical composition, which makes them possible sources of fertilizer. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine which was the most promising source and dose of fertilizer to obtain better productive results of the radish cultivar “Crimson Gigante” grown in pots, as well as if there was an interaction between the source and the dose used. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design in a factorial scheme, with the treatments consisting of the combination of two sources of N (poultry litter and fertilizer+microorganisms (FM)) and 6 doses of N (0; 30; 60; 90; 120 and 200 kg ha-1), in four replicates. It was observed that there was a change in the number of leaves, diameter, fresh and dry mass of the aerial part and roots, as well as the diameter of the roots, when using chicken litter as a source of N compared to the use of FM. The interaction Source × Dose of N was observed only in the production of fresh mass and dry mass, with FM presenting the best results. The radish crop was not as responsive to the increase in N doses, and root production did not change at doses above 30 kg ha-1.
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