A Tracer Study on the Employability of the Graduates of BSBA Marketing Management: Basis for Curriculum Enhancement
Graduate Tracer Study, Business Administration, Marketing Curriculum, HIgher Education, EmployabilityAbstract
This study examines the career trajectories and employment patterns of graduates from Rizal Technological University (RTU) who obtained a bachelor's degree in business administration with a specialization in marketing management. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire administered to 527 identified graduates of Marketing Management from RTU's Mandaluyong and Pasig campuses, employing a quantitative descriptive study methodology. The questionnaire addressed graduate profiles, program selection rationales, employability data, college competencies, and the relevance of current roles to marketing sectors. Demographic data has revealed a gender imbalance favoring women, along with a significant proportion of single individuals. This study indicates that numerous graduates secured employment within six months of graduation, reflecting a high level of employability among them. Over time, notable career advancements were observed, illustrating the program's effectiveness in promoting professional growth. Graduates prioritized critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and interpersonal skills in their initial employment. Tailored professional development programs should address the diverse needs of students, while curriculum enhancements should focus on advancing disciplines such as sales, customer service, account management, sales promotion, and advertising. Enhancing practical skills is advisable, and fostering robust industrial partnerships is recommended to improve graduates' employability. This tracer study offers valuable insights by proposing curricular improvements to align graduates' competencies with industry requirements. Educational institutions can adequately address industry demands by using these strategies to ensure graduates are well-prepared for successful jobs in marketing management. Subsequent research initiatives explore innovative facets and adapt to the evolving market demands.
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