Perceived Impact on NCII Competency Integration in the Study of Commercial Cookery Among Grade 10 Students
DOI: clave:
Practical Skills, Commercial Cookery, Assessment, Vocational Training, National CertificationResumen
This study delved into the impact of integrating cognitive and practical skills within the National Certification II (NC II) in Commercial Cookery on student preparedness and assessment outcomes. The objective is to enhance vocational training programs by analyzing the relationships between these variables and identifying areas for improvement. Using an embedded mixed-methods approach, the research combined quantitative and qualitative data for a comprehensive analysis. Surveys were employed to measure cognitive skills, practical skills, preparedness, and assessment performance among NC II students, while qualitative insights were obtained from interviews and focus group discussions with educators and students. Pearson correlation coefficients indicated very high positive correlations between cognitive skills and practical skills (r = 0.929) and between preparedness and assessment outcomes (r = 0.917), with p-values of 0, highlighting the strong interdependence of these variables and their significant impact on educational performance. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating cognitive and practical skills in vocational education, demonstrating that improvements in these areas are closely connected. Additionally, the significant relationship between preparedness and assessment outcomes underscores the need for thorough preparation to achieve better results. Based on these findings, recommendations include developing targeted educational strategies to bolster both cognitive and practical skills and enhancing preparedness efforts. Future research should focus on exploring the longitudinal impacts of these interventions and applying the findings to broader educational contexts to further validate their effectiveness.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Angeline A. Villareal, Samuel A. Balbin, Belen B Balbuena, Milany M. Averilla

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