The Relationship of Management Support to Job Satisfaction and Profitability in Quick Service Restaurants


  • Darwin Quintos WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc., Binalonan Campus Filipinas
  • Rosalie Sheryll Rosales WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc., Binalonan Campus Filipinas
  • Roger Martinez WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc., Binalonan Campus Filipinas


Palabras clave:

Service Quality, BPO Company, Enhanced Procedure Manual, Service Standards


This study aims to assess the role of management support in quick-service restaurants and its impact on job satisfaction and profitability. The study employs a quantitative correlational research design with 200 respondents, including managers and service crew from the Cundangan Group of companies in a quick-service restaurant setting. The findings reveal that the majority of the respondents are under 19 to 25 age range, having three years of service, and predominantly from Mang Inasal and Jollibee. The assessment of management support includes employee well-being, handling mistakes, addressing worsened performance, fulfilling special favors, and considering employees' goals and opinions. The results indicate a moderate level of support for well-being, worsened performance, and consideration of goals, while mistakes and special favors receive lower support. Job satisfaction assessment demonstrates a moderate impact, emphasizing the importance of top management recognition, store operation investment, financial transparency, and equitable workload distribution. In line with the assessment of store profitability reveals a moderate impact, highlighting factors such as customer patronage, increased production, and reduced operational costs. The research establishes a significant correlation between management support and both job satisfaction and store profitability, suggesting that supportive management positively influences employee satisfaction and contributes to the store's financial success. Management implications highlight the need for employees to evaluate their suitability for the job and for managers to understand and support their team. Recommendations include hiring supportive managers, providing training for effectiveness, and empowering employees to enhance job satisfaction and profitability. The study provides valuable insights into the relationship between management support, employee satisfaction, and organizational profitability in the quick-service restaurants, this aims to guide companies, managers, and employees in fostering a positive and supportive work environment.


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Biografía del autor/a

Darwin Quintos, WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc., Binalonan Campus Filipinas

0009-0009-3138-3239 WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc. North Manila Campus, Philippines. 

Rosalie Sheryll Rosales, WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc., Binalonan Campus Filipinas

0009-0006-6373-8362; WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc. Binalonan Campus, Philippines. 

Roger Martinez, WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc., Binalonan Campus Filipinas

0009-0004-8304-921X; WCC Aeronautical & Technological College Inc. Binalonan Campus, Philippines. 


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Cómo citar

Quintos, D., Rosales, R. S., & Martinez, R. (2025). The Relationship of Management Support to Job Satisfaction and Profitability in Quick Service Restaurants . Diversitas Journal, 10(special_1).