Mecanismo de enfrentamento: vivência de alunos PCD na aprendizagem flexível
Educação Presencial, Coronavirus, Metodologias educacionaisResumo
Individuals with disabilities are classified as vulnerable groups in our society due to the multitude of disadvantages they encounter in every domain. Furthermore, considering these unfavorable conditions As the pandemic causes significant changes in the education sector, it faces challenges in adapting to the new circumstances due to physical constraints and individual struggles. Their academic pursuit is additionally challenged by significant adaptations, particularly in their Physical Education course, which necessitates physical activity and motion that contribute to their difficulties. The main aim of this study is to investigate the lived experiences of students with disabilities during their physical education sessions in a flexible learning environment. The study employed a phenomenological approach and an inductive strategy to elicit themes through interviews and focus group discussions. The four highlighted themes include: physical and emotional hurdles, willpower and coping mechanisms, teachers' methodological approach, and social support system. These themes recapitulate the lived experiences of the PWD. Using the collected tales and narratives, the researchers formulated a Pillar of Support for individuals with disabilities (PWD) inspired by the pillars of education, which are the Moving to Know, Moving to Do, Moving to Live Together, and Moving to Be.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jeric Quibral, Glen Mangali, Aida Daig
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