Transtornos Mentais na gestação: revisão integrativa




ABSTRACT: Pregnancy is a period of countless changes, whether physical or mental. Some psychiatric changes are sometimes not noticed during prenatal care. It aims to discuss about the predisposition of pregnant women to the development of mental disorders during pregnancy. The methodology used was the integrative review, carried out from electronic databases in an analysis of broad publications that fit the theme. As a result, it was observed that the theme has a small number of studies, thus evaluating the need for the development of new articles, as well as the practice of the results of studies that are available. This article brought together studies that demonstrated a relationship between pregnancy and mental disorder, which is related to internal factors, with hormonal and external changes aimed at the determinants of health. The role of nurses as a knowledge agent and their performance in the assessment of psychopathologies and their role as a psychotherapist was evaluated. Conclusion it is observed that when it comes to psychiatric imbalances, details become more subtle, requiring professionals to take a closer look to identify, prevent and treat, in addition to the circumstance requiring multidisciplinary treatment.

KEYWORDS: Risk factors, psychopathology, gestacion.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. E. A., Calheiros, M. S., & Silva, L. K. B. da. (2021). Transtornos Mentais na gestação: revisão integrativa. Diversitas Journal, 6(2), 2382–2394.