Anaerobic digestion of manipueiragenerated in the flour house in the municipality of Branquinha/AL, Brazil
Liquid cassava residue, Fermentation, Alternative sourcesAbstract
Manipueira is one of the residues generated in the processing of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) during the production of flour, this by-product being potentially toxic due to the presence of hydrocyanic acid (HCN). To reduce this chemical compound, taking into account the risks of irregular disposal in the soil and watercourse, the manipueira can be treated from fermentation or anaerobic digestion for a certain period. The objective of this work was to evaluate the biodigester of discontinuous system (batch) as a possible alternative for the reuse of this liquid waste, besides analyzing the possibility of producing biogas to contribute to the sustainable development of small producers of the Eldorado dos Carajás Settlement, Branquinha, AL. Collections and analyses were performed in order to ascertain the behavior of the manipueira when subjected to the anaerobic process, considering the variables temperature and pH (acidity and alkalinity) before and after the confinement of the residual material in the biodigester. The batch type model presented satisfactory results in terms of performance and economic viability, because all materials used are of minimal cost and easy to handle. It is necessary to improve alternative sources to allocate and treat the waste generated in flour houses in the state of Alagoas.
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