Conhecimento dos graduandos de odontologia sobre materiais utilizados para restaurações classe II em dentes decíduos




ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of dentistry undergraduates regarding the materials used in class II restorations in deciduous teeth, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The research was carried out during 7 months with students from the last year of graduation (5th grade). An initial visit was made at the dental schools of a municipality in Northeastern Brazil and the students answered a questionnaire containing questions related to the choice of restorative materials, their properties and utilities. The inclusion criteria were undergraduates in Dentistry, attending the last year of the said graduation. Students who had perhaps lost some discipline or locked the course were excluded from this study. The collected data were stored in the Microsoft Office Excel 2016 program, being analyzed with the help of the chi-square test. Composite resin (CR) was the material of choice in patients with low risk and low caries activity with the presence of the marginal crest (82.6%) and absence of marginal crest (67.4%). In patients with high laughter and high activity, conventional glass ionomer cement (IVC) was indicated in both situations 65.2% and 84.8% respectively. Regarding the advantages of the most reported materials by the participants in relation to the IVC was fluoride release (100%) whereas for CR was aesthetics (84.1%). On the other hand, the greatest disadvantage of IVC was related to syneresis and imbibition (75%) and CR was the contraction of polymerization (83.7%). It can be concluded that students have knowledge regarding the materials used in class II restorations in deciduous teeth, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

KEYWORDS: Composite resin; Glass Ionomer; Dental materials; Pediatric Dentistry.


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How to Cite

Lins, C. L. S., Teixeira, M. C. S., Batista, T. P., Silva, D. F. da, Romão, D. A., & Nemezio, M. A. (2021). Conhecimento dos graduandos de odontologia sobre materiais utilizados para restaurações classe II em dentes decíduos. Diversitas Journal, 6(2), 2324–2334.