Impacts of classes at a distance on students of the Chemistry class at the State University of Alagoas - UNEAL




This article aims to show the impacts caused by remote classes to undergraduate students in the Chemistry Degree course at the State University of Alagoas - UNEAL, located in the city of Arapiraca - AL. This article discussed the current context of students in the Chemistry degree course at the aforementioned IES who, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, started to take classes remotely. The methodology adopted for the production of this article was a qualitative research, called a case study and a questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, where we had the voluntary participation of the students of the course in question. It was observed that the students feel unmotivated, stressed and incapable, in addition to the glaring social inequality. Regarding the final considerations, it was clear from the data obtained that remote education can negatively influence and compromise the academic life of the students who participated in the research, since it was said by them that they had poor performance and learning.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. da S., Natividade, J. dos S., & Silva, J. A. da. (2021). Impacts of classes at a distance on students of the Chemistry class at the State University of Alagoas - UNEAL. Diversitas Journal, 6(4), 4116–4129.

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