Visual Mathematics for the Development of Mathematical Mentalities in Students of a Public School.
The present research aimed to develop numerical sense, through the use of visual mathematics, based on the Theories of Mathematical Mentalities in 9th grade students of elementary school II of a municipal school in the city of Junqueiro - AL. Recent studies in neuroscience show that we are all capable of learning math at a high level as long as we are properly stimulated. It is quite common to see students from elementary school to higher education stating that they do not like math, well, the reason for this contempt in math, most of the time, is due to the way the contents are taught, causing many students to lose interest in that area. However, there are other methods of teaching mathematics and one of them is the use of visual mathematics. Several studies show that working with visual mathematics makes the student gain self-confidence, well, the purpose of this work is to show that visual mathematics can lead the student to understand the teaching of mathematics in a clearer way. In the course of this work, we will understand, through a research with a mixed focus, how content approaches through visual mathematics can interfere with cognitive development and learning in mathematics in students at a public school in the interior of Alagoas. We will discuss concepts and present the result of a case study, based on ideas present in the book by British author Jo Boaler, observing how this methodology can be transformative. Analyzing the survey data, we conclude that visual mathematics really facilitated students' learning, as well as changing their relationship with mathematics.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fabrício de Oliveira Lima, Daniel Nicolau Brandão, Douglas Muller da Silva, Leonardo Rodrigues de Btito, Weverton Barros Vieira

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