Tecnologias Educacionais Digitais para abordagem da Sifilis e instrumentalização de profissionais de saúde
Educational strategies, Health innovation, Primary careAbstract
Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) with great repercussions in public health, constantly requiring the development of strategies to contribute to the minimization of this problem. Thus, the objective was to develop digital educational materials on syphilis for the didactic instrumentalization of professionals in a basic health unit, investigating their perception of the proposed educational technologies and the possibility of using them in primary health care. This article is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach carried out from September 2020 to August 2021, involving the participation of 15 professionals from a basic health unit. A booklet, three videos and a game were developed and evaluated. According to the participating professionals, the digital educational materials proved to be adequate and necessary for use in health education activities. Therefore, the evaluation resulted in positive reports and suggestions for promising improvements to improve the material. The possibility of using educational materials and ways of using them to reach the population was highlighted. Finally, it is noteworthy that after analysis, the professionals considered the digital educational materials for syphilis prevention and their use in health interventions to be valid.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Neusa Loíse Nunes Albuquerque, Maria Eduarda da Silva, Andressa Rocha Cavalcante , Karina Perrelli Randau , Maria Lusia de Morais Belo Bezerra
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