Representações sociais pelos povos indígenas Xucuru-Kariri
Contributos curriculares para a Matemática
Representações sociais, Escolas Indígenas, Ensino e Aprendizagem em Matemática, Xucuru-Kariri, Currículo em MatemáticaAbstract
The research project entitled Social representations by the Xucuru-Kariri Ethnicity: Curriculum contributions to Mathematics is being developed at a state public university in Alagoas, it aims to analyze the social representations of Mathematics by students of the Xucuru-Kariri and their relationship with the curriculum planning. The theoretical framework to be followed is the Theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1961) with a focus on Jodelet's (1994) psychosocial approach, data collection will be carried out using the technique of free association of words, and the analysis will be done through SPSS and Tri-Deux-Mots. Social representations are guides for communication and for action and their relationship with planning, aims to include in their curricula, students' desires and knowledge in Mathematics. The results of this research aim to provide data on the set of concepts, propositions, explanations created in the daily lives of students through inter-individual communication about Mathematics.
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