The Frailty and relationship with the six-minute walk test.
Cardiovascular rehabilitation: case series
Frailty, RehabilitationAbstract
Objective: to evaluate frailty in patients with cardiovascular diseases and performance in the six-minute walk test (6MWT) in participants of the outpatient cardiovascular rehabilitation (CVR) program. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive study of patients over 60 years of age who participated in CVR from April 2021 to April 2023. Data from the 6MWT and estimated cardiorespiratory capacity (CRF) and CFS scale were obtained pre and post CVR, expressed in mean±standard deviation. Results: Twelve medical records were evaluated: mean age 68.3±6.58 years, 5 men and 7 women. The CFS pre and post rehabilitation were respectively 5.0±1.28 and 3.75±1.48. The 6MWT distances pre and post RCV were 292.33±88.86 and 375.16±111.80 meters (m), respectively. The mean speed of the 6MWT pre and post CVR was 48.71±14.80 and 62.52±18.64 m/min, respectively. Patients have a CFS scale between vulnerable, slightly frail, moderately frail and very frail; with improvement after RCV to slightly frail, vulnerable, fair, active and very active. There was an increase in the distance covered and in the average speed of the 6MWT, which also reflected in the improvement of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) estimated from very low to good after CVR. Conclusion: The greater the frailty, the lower the performance and speed in the 6MWT and the supervised exercise program promoted an increase in functional capacity, making them more active, an important strategy to promote beneficial systemic adaptations that contribute to functional improvement
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