Acclimatization of Cattleya nobilior Rchb. f. (Orchidaceae) in Field Conditions in a Riparian Forest Area
Reintroduction, Orchids, Phorophytes, Cardinal pointsAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the survival and development of Cattleya nobilior, originating from in vitro cultivation, arranged by cardinal points on the phorophytes Acrocomia aculeata and Butia capitata, in a riparian forest area in the cerrado domain in Porto Nacional, TO. For survival, the number of living individuals at the end of the study was evaluated, and for development, variables such as plant shoot length, number of leaves, shoots, and roots were assessed over a twelve-month period. Four plants were allocated in each phorophyte, one per cardinal point (north, south, east, and west). The study reveals that the acclimatization of C. nobilior was more successful in A. aculeata than in B. capitata, due to more favorable conditions, especially during the dry season. The orientation of the phorophytes towards the North and West cardinal points also positively influenced the survival and acclimatization of the orchids. Temperature and humidity were shown to be key factors during the process, with the rainy season promoting better growth and development. Thus, it emphasizes the importance of considering the specific characteristics of phorophytes and the need for more detailed research to understand the interaction between host and associated plants.
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