Transformation city: a pocket strategic intervention material for science 6
Intervention, pocket size, science material, strategic intervention materialAbstract
International science assessments consistently show the Philippines scoring low, highlighting a critical gap in the effectiveness of current learning materials. This study aimed to address this gap by assessing a Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) designed to improve student learning in science. The researchers developed a pocket SIM titled "Transformation City" to target the least mastered competency in the topic 'Transformation of Energy' for Grade 6 students. A mixed-methods research design was employed to analyze the impact of the SIM on 30 students at DMMMSU-MLUC Laboratory Elementary School. The study utilized pre-tests, post-tests, student perception surveys, and student feedback to assess knowledge gained and gather insights for improvement. The findings revealed a significant increase in student learning outcomes after using the "Transformation City" SIM, demonstrating its potential to bridge the gap in science education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Patricia Anne Orine, Judelyn Casipit, Anna Marie Fontanilla, Kreisler Dave Munar, Junella Mae Soriano, Daniel Ong Jr.

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