A produção de sabão ecológico como tema gerador para o estudo das reações químicas orgânicas
Organic chemistry, saponification Reaction, sustainabilityAbstract
The generating theme covers various issues and problems experienced by the surrounding community. Using the generating theme, soap, to teach Chemistry, adds to the teaching of Organic Chemistry, as, alternatively, the respective contents can be taught, valuing scientific and social contexts and taking care of the environment. This work aimed to build scientific knowledge through the chemical composition of soap, providing students with a better understanding of chemical reactions, through the saponification reaction, which was worked on in a theoretical and practical way. This is exploratory research, with a qualitative approach. This work was carried out between the months of July and October 2023, with 64 students belonging to two classes of the 2nd and 3rd year, it was analyzed during the implementation of the project that the students did not have an understanding of the content of chemical reactions, after the explanations and application of the practical class, the students were able to understand each stage of the saponification reaction and how chemistry occurs in the experiment and in their daily lives. The data collection instrument came from the researchers' observation during the development of the practical class. Through the data collection instrument, it was possible to observe that 95% of students approved the practical class, this shows how much the inclusion of generating themes in Chemistry teaching methodologies contributes to the student's teaching and learning process.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Magno de Lima, Mikael Fabrício de Farias Soares, Geovana Gonzaga Santos, Rafael Reis Silva, Marcos Oliveira Rocha, Aldenir Feitosa dos Santos
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