Aplicação de biomassa de banana verde em kafta bovina e avaliação do efeito nas características físicas, físico-químicas e sensoriais do produto
Restructured foods, meat, functional, nutritious, healthyAbstract
The production and consumption of meat products on a worldwide scale has grown over the years, in addition to this, the search on the part of consumers for fast-prepared, nutritious foods that offer in addition to traditional compounds, bioactive ingredients has been expanding production of the sector. Most of these foods are said to be functional, which in addition to basic nutritional functions, produce beneficial metabolic effects to health, such as green banana biomass (BBV). Such an ingredient, in addition to not changing the taste of food when incorporated, enriches with resistant carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the effects of applying different concentrations of green banana biomass on the physical, physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of bovine kafta enriched with BBV. To this end, four formulations of kaftas with varying concentrations of biomass (0%, 0.75%, 1.5% and 2.25%) were substituted for bacon and characteristics such as water retention capacity (CRA) were evaluated. , lose weight by cooking (PPC), moisture, ash, protein and pH. In addition, the products were evaluated sensorially by 68 untrained tasters. As a result, it was observed that the incorporation of BBV did not influence statistically (p> 0.05) in most of the physical-chemical parameters of the elaborated kaftas. Mainly impacting PPC, reducing this parameter as the increase in BBV concentration was achieved. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) regarding the sensory parameters evaluated and all formulations presented acceptability rates greater than 75%, demonstrating the potential for using biomass in kafta formulations, reducing the percentage of fat total, increasing the fiber content without impacting the acceptability of the product in the substitution range presented in the present work.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Filipe de Oliveira Melo, Phillipe Tenório Barbosa, Fúlvio Macio Correia de Moraes Junior, Gabriel Cazuza dos Santos Oliveira, Letícia Beatriz Silva Lopes, Maria Gustava Pereira da Silva

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