Abordagem dos temas sociocientíficos no ensino de Ciências Naturais, Biologia e Química em Benjamin Constant, AM
Educação, Saúde Pública, Doenças NegligenciadasAbstract
The socio-scientific themes allow us to understand the overcomings of the present time, themes resulting from the discussions of a globalized era amidst the development of science and technology. Thus, a remote survey was carried out using the WhatsApp application, in order to understand the approach to socio-scientific themes in the teaching of Natural Sciences, Biology and Chemistry with teachers from two schools in the city of Benjamin Constant-AM. Bibliographic, descriptive and exploratory research was used, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, and the data collection instrument was the semi-structured questionnaire applied to teachers in the aforementioned areas. About the results, 90% of teachers claimed to know the concept of socio-scientific themes, however, despite this amount, only 3 teachers actually reported a concept close to the one chosen as the basis. 90% of teachers said they address issues related to socio-scientific issues in their pedagogical practices, however, it is noteworthy that there may be a conceptual confusion about what would be socio-scientific issues, especially because of a superficiality in their responses. It is noteworthy that 70% of teachers said that the school works with socio-scientific issues, and they are carried out in various segments, through projects, science fair, poster exhibition and/or similar. Given the panorama, it is evident that the teacher's didactic practice is extremely important to allow a discussion on socio-scientific issues in teaching spaces.
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