“Não sei mais ensinar inglês?”relato de experiência de um professor reflexivo ante a (des)construção da concepção de criança


  • Bruna Ciriaco Valerio Secretaria de Educação do Município de Arapiraca




PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Professor reflexivo, (Des)construção da práxis docente, Infâncias.


ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present an analysis of a pedagogical practice applied to English language teaching in a pandemic context. The author’s report has plenty of experience in language, however, she faces a series of facts that made her reflect not only the contents and pedagogical actions but also about the child’s constitution as a learner in the specific social environment. The challenges that emerged in the interaction established with the student in the “one-to-one” class, brought the teacher to a process of (des)construction both in terms of teaching practice and the notions of predetermined childhood. The main objective of this report is to bring to discussion the importance of being a reflective teacher and researcher who, timelessly, needs to question the practice and to be able to take more appropriate actions for the teaching and learning, considering the subjects involved in the process. The theoretical referential brings Brown (2007); Dornelles (2005); Leventhal (2006) e Zeichner (1993). The methodology is an experience report with a data collection through the activities carried out and the dialogues established with the student. The result ratifies the need to reflect the practice to be aware of the (des)constructions needed to promote more effective teaching, whether for a single child or for a large group of students.



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How to Cite

Ciriaco Valerio, B. (2022). “Não sei mais ensinar inglês?”relato de experiência de um professor reflexivo ante a (des)construção da concepção de criança . Diversitas Journal, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.48017/dj.v7i2.2054

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