Inclusão no Ensino da Língua Inglesa: Uma Revisão Bibliográfica




Educação Inclusiva, Língua Inglesa, Revisão Bibliográfica


The present article is an excerpt from a course completion research and has the aims to analyze, through a bibliographic review, scientific works that approach inclusion related to English language teaching. As corpus of analysis was performed a search on scientific base platforms, such as the  theses’s catalog and CAPES’s dissertations and Academic Google, in them we research results of work about the theme. The research begin from premise that the English language is currently considered as the most spoken language worldwide. However, it is known that the theme about inclusion of the students with disabilities is still little commented, in addition to several limits in relation to the training of professionals to meet such demand. Therefore, the importance of this research is justified by verifying the relationship between the inclusion theme and  English language teaching, because even Brazil has legislation that ensure inclusion in school and educational processes, it was important to verify in the publications its relations on the inclusion associated with English language teaching. The data survey was made in December 2020 to January 2021. The study is qualitative and anchor in the content analysis by Bardin (1977). In conclusion, it can be seen that the results evidenced gaps in the context of research around English language teaching and its relations with inclusion, so it is necessary a broader debate and reflections about the subject.


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How to Cite

Silva Batista, G., & Gama dos Santos , S. . (2022). Inclusão no Ensino da Língua Inglesa: Uma Revisão Bibliográfica . Diversitas Journal, 7(3).

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