The Supervised Internship as an encouraging tool in the training of science teachers

an experience report


  • Thalyta Maria dos Santos Almeida State University of Alagoas - UNEAL, Arapiraca, AL, Brazil
  • Josefa Eleusa da Rocha State University of Alagoas - UNEAL, Arapiraca, AL, Brazil



Teaching knowledge, Active methodologies, Teaching-learning, Teaching


The internship is the central axis in teacher training, as it is through it that the professional learns about the essential aspects for the formation of identity construction and day-to-day knowledge. This research aimed to report an experience related tothe supervised internship II, aiming to observe and analyze its contribution to the formation of science teachers. The internship was developed by an academic of the Degree in Biological Sciences at the State University of Alagoas -UNEAL, in an elementary school II located in Coité do Nóia -AL, where the internship was carried out during the period from March to May of the current year, on Mondays, in a 6th grade class. The supervised internship experience provides the science teacher with the opportunity to analyze what the teacher's experience is like in the classroom and, in addition, it makes it possible to build and develop teaching activities in a way that is enriching for both students and the community. the teacher. The supervised curricular internship leads the intern student to reflect and realize that the teacher must have a broad vision, understanding all the situations experienced in the classroom, being prepared to deal with different particularities, elaborating and using instruments that facilitate the understanding about the content, arousing students' interest. Therefore, the relevance of this curricular component is indisputable, as it aims at building the teaching profession.


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Author Biographies

Thalyta Maria dos Santos Almeida, State University of Alagoas - UNEAL, Arapiraca, AL, Brazil

Universidade Estadual de Alagoas–UNEAL/Acadêmica do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas. Coité do Nóia, Alagoas (AL), Brasil.

Josefa Eleusa da Rocha, State University of Alagoas - UNEAL, Arapiraca, AL, Brazil

UNEAL/Dra., Docente do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas. Arapiraca, Alagoas (AL), Brasil.


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How to Cite

Almeida, T. M. dos S., & Rocha, J. E. da. (2024). The Supervised Internship as an encouraging tool in the training of science teachers: an experience report. Diversitas Journal, 9(1), 128–137.

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