
  • Education, scientific research and social development
    Vol. 9 No. 4 (2024)

    Dear readers, it is with great pleasure that we present volume 9, number 4, of 2024 of the Diversitas Journal, whose central theme is “Education, Scientific Research and Social Development”. This volume brings together articles that explore the intersection between education and science as drivers of social development. Education, as a fundamental pillar of society, is analyzed from different perspectives, highlighting the importance of pedagogical innovation and digital inclusion for the formation of critical and participatory citizens, in a multi and interdisciplinary manner.

    Scientific research, in turn, is approached as a crucial element for the advancement of knowledge and the solution of complex problems that affect contemporary society. The articles in this volume discuss everything from the application of new technologies in education to the importance of interdisciplinary research for sustainable development. Science, when combined with education, has the power to transform realities, promoting more equitable and inclusive social development.

    Social development is treated as a goal to be achieved through the integration of education and science. The authors present case studies and theoretical analyses, as well as results of applied research, which demonstrate how effective educational policies and investments in scientific research can generate positive impacts on society. This volume of the Diversitas Journal is essential reading for educators, researchers and policy makers who seek to understand and promote social development through education and science. It also brings together the various areas of knowledge and their interdisciplinary congruences.

    Prof. Dr. José Crisólogo de Sales Silva

    Editor-in-Chief Diversitas Journal.

    Cover: Mateus Henrique Gomes da S Bispo

  • Climate change and its impact on Biodiversity
    Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024)

    Climate changes only alter long-term climate patterns, resulting from natural processes and human actions. These transformations affect not only polar bears, but also human health and food production. The increase in solar incidence, the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction contribute to these changes. Furthermore, phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña also play a significant role. Since the formation of the Earth, the climate has been modified, climatic changes are an intrinsic part of evolutionary history.

    The third issue of volume 9 of the Diversitas Journal, from 2024, the central theme is “Climate Changes: Causes and Consequences”. The journal will address this question in a multidisciplinary way, exploring the impacts of climate changes on biodiversity, human health, food production and much more. It is essential that the scientific community and general society address these challenges and work together to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

    With certainty! Research and sharing of knowledge are essential to confront the challenges of climate change and promote a more sustainable future for all. We hope you enjoy the content of this issue to the fullest, written by scientists from various parts of Brazil and other countries.

    Prof. Dr. José Crisólogo de Sales Silva,

    Editor in Chief

    Cover: Fishing for our daily bread

    Location: Viçosa, minas Gerais, Brazil in 2022

    Photography:   - Rodrigo Almeida Pinheiro / Enccult 2023 photography competition


    Published: 2024 -10-07

  • Global solution: sustainability and solidarity
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)

    Diversitas Journal brings a new issue of volume 9, covering the months April to June 2024. In this issue we have a very intriguing and current theme: Global solution: sustainability and solidarity.

     Sustainability and solidarity emerge as fundamental pillars to face the global challenges that our contemporary society faces. These two interconnected forces offer essential solutions for a more equitable and resilient world.

    Sustainability transcends the mere preservation of the environment. It encompasses harmony between human needs, the health of the planet and economic viability. The search for sustainable practices involves reducing excessive consumption, promoting renewable energy, conserving ecosystems and raising awareness about the ecological footprint. Individual and collective actions, such as recycling, responsible water use and adoption of green technologies, are crucial steps towards a more sustainable future.

    Solidarity is the ultimate expression of empathy and compassion. It transcends geographic, cultural and social borders. Solidarity involves supporting those less fortunate, sharing resources and fighting inequality. Whether in the form of humanitarian aid in times of crisis, promoting gender equality or defending the rights of refugees, solidarity is a powerful antidote to division and selfishness.

    Global Solution: The convergence of sustainability and solidarity is the key to facing global challenges. By adopting sustainable practices, we are contributing to the preservation of our planet and, consequently, to the well-being of all its inhabitants. Solidarity reminds us that we are part of an interconnected global community, and that our individual actions reverberate around the world. Therefore, by promoting sustainability and practicing solidarity, we are building a global solution that transcends barriers and brings us closer to a fairer and more harmonious future.

    Prof. Dr. José Crisólogo de Sales Silva

    Chief Editor Diversitas Journal.

    Cover: Mateus Henrique Gomes da S Bispo

    Photography:  Maria Jéssica dos Santos Cabral

    Photo Title: Diptera ensuring the next generation        Date: 15.06.2022.

    Diamantina - Minas Gerais, Brazil.

  • Sustainability in Asia-Pacific: Multidisciplinary Insights and Innovations
    Vol. 9 No. 1_Special (2024)

    This special number in volume 9 of 2024 inaugurates a new phase of international publications with the partnership of the Asia-Pacific Researchers and Educators (Asia-Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators Inc.) Piksi, at the Grand Asrilia Hotel, in Bandung, Indonesia, August 29 to 31, 2023.

    Researchers from the following univierses participated: Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas, Lyceum of the Philippines University-Manila, Bicol University, Rizal Technological University, Far Eastern University - Manila, University of Baguio, Filamer Christian University, Department of Education-Rizal, Isabela State University, University of Mindanao, Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, Cavite State University, Mindoro State University, University of Mindanao - Main Campus, Philippine Normal University, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Universidad De Manila, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas, Quezon City University, oliteknik Piksi Ganesha.

    For the editors involved and all the diverse team Journal was very pleasant all the effort in this construction. 36 articles will be published during March.
    We all want a good reading.

  • Capa Vol 9 N 1 2024

    Urban spaces and their contradictions
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)

    We start the year 2024 with another volume, number 9, and the first issue of Diversitas Journal with the theme: Urban spaces and their contradictions. Based in the interior of Alagoas, Santana do Ipanema, Brazil, we have become global due to the possibility of electronic publications, with greater opportunities for open dissemination of research carried out in different countries instantly, as soon as they are published.

    We will seek, in each issue, to bring current themes on the world stage, produced by researchers from different universities, striving for originality, innovation, originality, ethics in publication and production, humanism in research, registration of historical moments, with important local and international research.

    The contributions of the Diversitas Journal are very important in the development of people, institutions and regions. From daily searches on the site, many researchers find solutions to their questions, concerns. A network that helps each other globally, the spontaneous union of research in an open way, providing students and researchers with access to immediate knowledge.

    We make available with great care another issue, inaugurating volume 9. I hope that all readers and researchers will use this electronic platform, and produce more and more every day for the good of society, balance and equity, food production, education, endemic disease control and physical and mental health, entertainment and electronics, spirituality and truth. May wisdom be the final affirmation of this work with and for all, with 1 volume, 4 annual issues in continuous submission, dossiers and special issues.

    PhD Teacher José Crisólogo de Sales Silva, 


    Cover: The colors of routine

    Location: Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Photography: Rodrigo Almeida Pinheiro - Enccult 2023 photography competition

    Published: 2024 -10 -01

  • Science, innovation and the role of the university in the production of knowledge
    Vol. 8 No. 4 (2023)

    We present to the academic community and society in general another issue of volume eight, from 2023. This issue has a continuous flow of submission and publication.

    The various multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary areas are covered. In the monthly discussion, we bring the current role of the University and Science in innovation and in the solution of social demands. A constant theme, in which each link in this chain of knowledge has its role, how they congruate and how one is present in the performance of the other.

    In these terms, we include articles with very diverse themes, with the possibility for readers and researchers to enter into multiple and diverse thoughts, with scientific care in their production, fruits of the work of teachers and students in the most diverse universities and postgraduate programs.

    We wish you all a great read.

    Diversitas Journal Editors.

    Cover: White-banded Woodpecker (Scientific name: Dryocopus lineatus)
    Location: Quebrangulo, Alagoas, Brazil

    Photography: Sergio Leal

  • Education: a look to the future
    Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023)

    Most Dear and Illustrious Readers, Researchers,

    The present number 3 of volume 8 of 2023 inaugurates a new publication methodology, with a continuous format.

    In 2023 we will continue with the publication of 4 volumes, being this or the third, July to September, being that during the following months we will also have new articles being published in this number 3, we wish everyone to use the articles published here for the best purposes.

    We also started from this issue an international partnership with the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators, INC. APCORE – headquartered in the Philippines, we hope it will be the beginning of many joint works and disclosures.

  • Através das lentes: a importância da biodiversidade para o equilíbrio ambiental
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023)

    Another issue of Diversitas Journal, with great care, scientists, teachers and students producing science and keeping us informed through their articles, opinions and cases. In this issue we bring 56 articles in various areas of knowledge, which together show us their interdisciplinarities.

    The multidisciplinary character of Diversitas Journal brings a possibility of reaching a very diverse and fantastic audience, donating the best of itself, its natural resources and knowledge.

    It´s observed in social life that professionals and society are intertwined in their daily activities and occurrences, with scientific, service and primary occupations, with multidisciplinary understandings, with broad needs, permeated by problems and diverse resolutions, which does not constitute an obstacle in the dynamics of solutions, adaptations and daily practices of all citizens.

    Based on the multidisciplinarity of everyday social life, we provide another number with articles that bring answers to questions in different areas, which in addition to empirical knowledge help each other. They are articles in the areas of Agrarian, Environmental, Biological, Economic, Medical, Accounting, Human, Applied Social, Health, Exact Sciences and Education and Teaching.

    In conclusion, we wish everyone a great reading and use of the information offered here to every earthly society, as a collective collaboration in the construction of a more cultured, egalitarian and just society.

    The editors.

    Cover Photography. Title: Parasitoid wasp Brachymeria sp. (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) feeding on pollen from Paepalanthus sp. Author: Rodrigo Almeida Pinheiro. Location: Diamantina – MG. Brazil.

  • Fotografia: Milena Kristhie Nascimento. Local: Vila do Biribiri - Diamantina/Minas Gerais

    Sociedade e ciência: um diálogo necessário
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)

    "Hoje você é quem manda
    Falou, tá falado
    Não tem discussão, não
    A minha gente hoje anda falando de lado
    E olhando pro chão, viu
    Você que inventou esse estado
    E inventou de inventar
    Toda a escuridão
    Você que inventou o pecado
    Esqueceu-se de inventar
    O perdão"

    É com esta canção de Chico Buarque, composta nos anos de 1970 que convidamos a você leitor adentrar no conjunto das coisas ditas e escritas organizadas pela Diversitas Journal, volume 8, edição 01 de 2023. Destacamos que o compêndio de artigos dos mais variados campos de domínio aqui postos, Com o tema  Sociedade e Ciência: um diálogo necessário. Esta temática é bem oportuna porque vivenciamos esta edição no período ainda da Pandemia do Covid-19, por isso foi híbrido. Período instalado desde 2020 com muita negação a Ciência. Isso mesmo, as Vacinas para o combate ao Covid-19 chegaram muito tarde ao Brasil, ocasionando assim um alto índice de mortalidade. Desta feita, sugerimos a canção “Apesar de você” para entendermos que apesar de toda a realidade antidemocrática é possível sonharmos e entendermos que “amanhã há de ser outro dia”.

    Sociedade e Ciência: um diálogo necessário nos possibilita enfrentar todas as formas de negação da produção do conhecimento, que inclusive salva vidas! Compreender a importância da Ciência para produção do conhecimento e validação dele por meio de seus produtos é um grande feito que todos os cientistas alcançam. Por isso, a Sociedade precisa caminhar de mãos dadas com a Ciência, pois é por meio dela que a Sociedade pode ser transformada, que as injustiças sociais podem vir ser combatidas, que as desigualdades sociais podem ser amenizadas e que as diferenças podem ser respeitadas. O conhecimento é um artefato transformador na vida de toda a Sociedade, tanto quando ela produz quanto ela consome o conhecimento produzido, a título de exemplo: as Vacinas.

    É com esta poesia dialógica entre a Sociedade e a Ciência que teremos condições favoráveis para reconstruir um Brasil de todos e para todos os brasileiros, onde todas e todos os seres humanos possam ter comida em suas mesas, onde as injustiças sociais sejam ceifadas feito ervas daninhas, onde as desigualdades sociais possam por meio de políticas públicas justas e inclusivas favorecerem para o ‘a manhã renascer, esbanjar poesia, o céu clarear, o coro cantar, na sua frente’. A liberdade ser vivenciada de forma soberana através das condições favoráveis que teremos para repensar, reconstruir e reviver uma Sociedade Democrática, Solidária e Fraterna. Onde a Ciência deve estar em primeiro lugar para que possa contribuir com as transformações sociais, políticas, econômicas e históricas do nosso mundo a favor de toda a Sociedade brasileira sem distinção de raça, etnia ou gênero, fazendo jus a promoção da Educação em Direitos Humanos.

    Por conseguinte, te convidamos leitor a penetrar em cada área de conhecimento e escavar os saberes necessários para tua mudança pessoal e profissional. Entender que a função da Revista Diversitas Journal é proporcionar a circularização do conhecimento, é estabelecer a ponte para o inédito viável, para transformação social, pessoal e profissional. Portanto, este compêndio cumpre a missão de estabelecer o diálogo entre a Sociedade e a Ciência, ressignificando assim a sua própria vida, sua própria existência, ousemos sempre ser mais por meio do conhecimento que acessamos e dos saberes que nos atravessam em sermos quem somos e como somos, por isso, ousemos ser sempre mais e melhores em nossa e para nossa Sociedade e Ciência brasileira.

    Verão de 2022,

    Professora Doutora Maria Aparecida Vieira de Melo, UFRN.


    Capa: Fotografia: Milena Kristhie Nascimento. Local: Vila do Biribiri - Diamantina/Minas Gerais

  • A força do associativismo é sempre alternativa para o desenvolvimento
    Vol. 7 No. 4 (2022)

    With great satisfaction we deliver another Diversitas Journal issue to society. Another fruit of research scientists from universities and communities across Brazil and the world. We maintain the characteristic of disseminating research on current themes, in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary way.

    In this volume 7 number 4, we bring 7 articles in Agricultural Sciences, 4 in Environmental Sciences, 8 in Biological Sciences, 2 in Exact Sciences, 9 in Health Sciences, 3 in Applied Human and Social Sciences, 5 in Economics, Administration and Development, 9 of Education and Teaching, 3 of Linguistics and Literature, third series of the Thematic Dossier - Reports of experiences in the scope of PIBID and PRP with 25 articles and finally a new publication: Thematic Dossier: Political Economy, Applied Economics and Regional Development with 6 articles.

    With this information, we wish to provide scientific ammunition for updates and new research in all parts of the world where the topics discussed here are of interest. To all our readers and researchers, a good reading and lots of scientific information for development.

  • Contribuições das ciências e das tecnologias para a sociedade
    Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022)

    With immense pleasure we bring you another Diversitas Journal issue. In this number 3 of volume 7, 62 articles of great care and responsibility by our authors in several universities spread across Brazil are presented. We travel through Biological, Agricultural, Environmental, Human Sciences, and continue with Linguistics, Education and Teaching, and we have a discussion in the self-interview format.

    We hope that our themes presented will be of interest to you, for the good of society as the result of those who focus on building a better world, offering their knowledge and their personal and research group time.

    Editorial Team

  • Metodologias e práticas pedagógicas: a importância na formação de professores
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)

    Neste número, o periódico Diversitas Jornal aborda relevantes estudos sobre as mais diferentes temáticas interdisciplinares. Trazemos importantes contribuições das Ciências Agrárias que apontam os procedimentos de análise de sementes e metabolismos dos vegetais. Nas Ciências Biológicas e Ambientais destacamos temáticas sobre adubação, práticas de correção de solos e sustentabilidade de Bacias Hidrográficas. Nas Ciências da Saúde apresentamos ricas discussões sobre as pessoas com deficiências, idosos e adolescentes grávidas em suas necessidades específicas como o planejamento sexual e a importância do pré-natal. Questões educacionais também têm ênfase nessa área, versando sobre a importância do planejamento voltado à saúde nas escolas como recurso de ensino-aprendizagem e abordagens sobre saúde mental. Destacamos ainda a Educação e Ensino, com temas que atravessam a análise do discurso, ensino remoto, literatura infantil e o registro das reações das crianças quilombolas do sertão alagoano no decorrer da pandemia.

    Brindamos ainda os nossos leitores com o Dossiê Relatos de Experiência no Âmbito do PIBID e PRP, organizado por professores coordenadores do PIBID e do PRP da Universidade Federal de Alagoas.  O Dossiê traz abordagens sobre as metodologias e práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelos coordenadores, supervisores, preceptores, pibidianos e residentes em suas ações cotidianas nos fazeres pedagógicos no campo das diferentes disciplinas no chão da escola, local privilegiado de interação de saberes no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Este Dossiê é o primeiro de uma série de 4, que serão publicados ao longo das próximas edições  Diversitas, devido à grande demanda de artigos recebidos, o que evidencia a importância do PIBID e do PRP na formação docente no Brasil.

    Desejamos a todos uma boa leitura e aproveitem para citar os trabalhos de autores de todo o Brasil e outros países. 

    Editores Diversitas Journal

  • Breaking paradigms and social changes: the new challenges for science
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)

    As novas quebras de paradigmas  apresentadas no contexto social e economico, em tempos de Pandemia Sars-Cov 19 tem determinado novos paradigmas para o desenvolvimento e funcionamento das estruturas de pesquisa e aprendizagem em geral.  Novos procedimentos  que garantem o mínimo de estrutura para manutenção dos estudos poss´íveis foram apresentados como saída para não estagnar a ciência, principalmente em pesquisas em andamento. Mas o ensino sofreu muita mudança com a nova necessidade do ensino remoto.

    Por outro lado, a ciência se mostrou, e aparece, como única forma de vencer a Pandemia, e como esperança de retorno a rotina normal de existencia social em sua normalidade de trabalho e sobrevivência intelectual. 

    Neste numero, e em todo o ano do 2022, estaremos continuamente nos referindo aos novos paradigmas e as mudanças sociais, na educação: no ensino, na pesquisa e na extensão, assim como no normal da convivencia social, o desenvolvimento das novas rotinas de trabalhos, as realidades nos estágios, no trabalho essencial da saúde, da produção de alimentos, da manutenção da fé criadora, e no mundo real.

  • Education realities in the Sars-Covid19 Pandemic
    Vol. 6 No. 4 (2021)


    Since the 1990s, the education sector has been undergoing profound changes, following the transformations that occurred in the productive structure, with different patterns of sectoral modernization. The accelerated restructuring of the capitalist production system has accentuated the gap between the top and bottom of the social pyramid, as access or access barriers to equipment and data transmission networks have defined a new pattern of social exclusion.

    Covid-19 accelerated the transition process from in-person activities to teleworking, ignoring the structural barriers to accessing equipment and digital platforms, in addition to the learning time required to use new tools. In education, the qualitative results of training at all stages of teaching are questionable. Furthermore, new digital barriers ensure a competitive advantage for residents of urban areas, with higher incomes and higher levels of education, deepening social exclusion.

    It is not yet possible to accurately assess all the effects of this forced acceleration, nor does this collection exhaust the debate, although it makes an excellent contribution to the understanding of the phenomenon, problematizing the process in light of the social, cultural, political and economic dimensions. Is it possible to measure the quality of teaching compared to the pre-pandemic phase? From the perspective of education professionals, is it possible to measure the intensification of work, the real length of the journey, the degree of home invasion and the effects on the physical and mental health of those involved? What is the reach of remote classes, in different regions of the country? We invite you to embark on this reflective journey. Good reading.

    Luciana Caetano da Silva[1]

    [1] Professor at FEAC/UFAL and lead researcher at GDIMT - Dimensions and Dynamics of the World of Work Research Group.

  • Culture and tourism hand in hand with territorial development
    Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021)

    The integration between culture and tourism is fundamental for sustainable territorial development. Culture, with its artistic manifestations, traditions and historical heritage, attracts visitors and promotes local identity.

    Tourism, in turn, generates income and encourages the conservation of these cultural values. When well planned, tourism can reinforce local culture and contribute to the economy without compromising the natural resources or cultural essence of communities.

    Examples of this are ethnotourism and community-based tourism, which value traditional populations and promote respectful interaction between visitors and local communities. These practices are essential for preserving the cultural and environmental identity of a territory, while providing an authentic and enriching experience for tourists.

    In this new volume of the Diversitas Journal, we are bringing to the scientific public 47 articles produced in Brazil and abroad, by different Universities on their different themes.

    Agricultural Sciences with ten articles of great importance in the subareas of Microbiology, Seeds, Phytopathology, among others. Environmental Sciences with four articles representing subareas of biological interest and environmental preservation. Biological Sciences, also with four very representative articles in the area, with important points of applied science in human health and livestock farming. Health Science with important current texts with interventions in health and health teaching, including parasitology and endemic diseases. Applied Social Sciences represented in six articles that discuss Brazilian realities. Education and Teaching with nine articles discussing the Pandemic and remote teaching technologies, among other topics. Literature and linguistics with the article Afro-Brazilian literature as a contribution to an anti-racist education: the short story A Escrava and ending number 3 of volume 6 Diversitas Journal, we have Zootecnia and Recursos Pesqueiros with two articles discussing the formulation of feed and hygiene in collection of bovine milk. We hope you enjoy reading our articles.

  • Educação para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021)

    Education is a fundamental pillar for the socioeconomic development of any nation. It not only equips individuals with skills and knowledge needed for the job market, but also promotes innovation, productivity and economic growth.

    In Brazil, education has been recognized as an essential driving force to transform the country's development, where more than 30% of workers do not have complete basic education. It is crucial to ensure that these individuals complete at least secondary education and have access to professional courses that prepare them for a globalized and complex economy.

    Furthermore, implementing an educational system that is aligned with social, scientific and technological advances is key to increasing competitiveness in all sectors of the economy. Countries that invest in consistent and continuous public policies in education, as demonstrated by the success of nations like Vietnam in international assessments, show that it is possible to overcome socioeconomic challenges and achieve sustainable and inclusive development.

    This second issue of the sixth volume features the Diversitas Journal themed Dossier, which has as its theme “Development and Sustainability”. This Dossier was designed    and    conducted    by the    Group    of    Research    Center    of    Studies   in Eco-development,  Ruralities  and  Management  (CEERG),  based  at  the  Campus  Sertão  of the Federal  University  of  Alagoas,  which  comes  to  hold  an  interdisciplinary  discussion on  development  and  sustainability,  whether  in  the  rural  environment  or urban. It  also  aims  to  provide  a  debate  of  ideas,  exposition  of  experiences  and  understanding  and systematization    of    knowledge    within the    scope    of the    issues    that    guide  ecodevelopment,  the  diverse  ways  in  which  ruralities  are  expressed  in  Brazil  and  on  the  management  of  natural  resources,  based  on  scientific  articles. which present content (research) relevant to this discussion.

  • Práticas e reflexões sobre ensino, pesquisa e extensão
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)

    The role of science in building a new society with greater
    opportunities to guarantee comfort and social well-being are presented to each actor
    researcher at various levels of production spread across the country and the world. Same
    With few financial resources, our researchers in each space reinvent the way
    to extract your best, individually and collectively, to build a better world.
    The first issue, of the first volume Diversitas Journalem 2021, has the theme: “Practice and reflections on teaching, research and extension”. In this sense, the Diversitas Journal, in Alagoas, Brazil, contributes to the socialization of scientific knowledge, art and culture. We hope you enjoy reading the articles presented.
    The integration of teaching, research and extension represents a fundamental pillar in academic training, promoting a holistic education that prepares students for real-world challenges. Action research, for example, is a methodology that strengthens this integration, allowing students to actively participate in solving concrete problems, while at the same time developing critical and reflective skills. This collaborative approach between university and community expands learning opportunities, enriching the educational experience with practical experiences and theoretical reflections.
    Extension programs, such as Educação Infantil na Roda, stand out for offering training experiences that are based on the tripod of university action, contributing significantly to the plural education of students.
    Furthermore, critical action research highlights the importance of dialogue between universities and basic education, expanding spaces for participation and debate on educational policies. These innovative and reflective practices are essential for an education that transcends theoretical knowledge and engages with the social and cultural reality of students.

  • Educate and research: reflecting on academic training
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)

    Reflecting on academic training is a critical component of both education and research. It involves a deep analysis of one's learning experiences, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application. Academic reflection encourages the development of a personal perspective or line of reasoning, fostering a connection between individual experiences and broader knowledge bases.

    It's a process that not only aids in the assimilation of new information but also in the cultivation of critical thinking and analytical skills. This reflective practice is essential for students and professionals alike, as it supports lifelong learning and adaptability in an ever-evolving academic landscape. Moreover, reflection in academic training can lead to a greater appreciation of diverse perspectives, acknowledging that understanding is often incomplete and situations are seldom black and white.

    Ultimately, the act of reflection in the context of education and research serves as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.