Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021): Culture and tourism hand in hand with territorial development

					View Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021): Culture and tourism hand in hand with territorial development

The integration between culture and tourism is fundamental for sustainable territorial development. Culture, with its artistic manifestations, traditions and historical heritage, attracts visitors and promotes local identity.

Tourism, in turn, generates income and encourages the conservation of these cultural values. When well planned, tourism can reinforce local culture and contribute to the economy without compromising the natural resources or cultural essence of communities.

Examples of this are ethnotourism and community-based tourism, which value traditional populations and promote respectful interaction between visitors and local communities. These practices are essential for preserving the cultural and environmental identity of a territory, while providing an authentic and enriching experience for tourists.

In this new volume of the Diversitas Journal, we are bringing to the scientific public 47 articles produced in Brazil and abroad, by different Universities on their different themes.

Agricultural Sciences with ten articles of great importance in the subareas of Microbiology, Seeds, Phytopathology, among others. Environmental Sciences with four articles representing subareas of biological interest and environmental preservation. Biological Sciences, also with four very representative articles in the area, with important points of applied science in human health and livestock farming. Health Science with important current texts with interventions in health and health teaching, including parasitology and endemic diseases. Applied Social Sciences represented in six articles that discuss Brazilian realities. Education and Teaching with nine articles discussing the Pandemic and remote teaching technologies, among other topics. Literature and linguistics with the article Afro-Brazilian literature as a contribution to an anti-racist education: the short story A Escrava and ending number 3 of volume 6 Diversitas Journal, we have Zootecnia and Recursos Pesqueiros with two articles discussing the formulation of feed and hygiene in collection of bovine milk. We hope you enjoy reading our articles.

Published: 2021-08-12

Ciências Agrárias

Ciências Ambientais

Ciências Biológicas

Ciências da Saúde

Educação e Ensino

Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas

Linguística e Literatura

Zootecnia e Recursos Pesqueiros