Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Educação para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico

					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Educação para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico

Education is a fundamental pillar for the socioeconomic development of any nation. It not only equips individuals with skills and knowledge needed for the job market, but also promotes innovation, productivity and economic growth.

In Brazil, education has been recognized as an essential driving force to transform the country's development, where more than 30% of workers do not have complete basic education. It is crucial to ensure that these individuals complete at least secondary education and have access to professional courses that prepare them for a globalized and complex economy.

Furthermore, implementing an educational system that is aligned with social, scientific and technological advances is key to increasing competitiveness in all sectors of the economy. Countries that invest in consistent and continuous public policies in education, as demonstrated by the success of nations like Vietnam in international assessments, show that it is possible to overcome socioeconomic challenges and achieve sustainable and inclusive development.

This second issue of the sixth volume features the Diversitas Journal themed Dossier, which has as its theme “Development and Sustainability”. This Dossier was designed    and    conducted    by the    Group    of    Research    Center    of    Studies   in Eco-development,  Ruralities  and  Management  (CEERG),  based  at  the  Campus  Sertão  of the Federal  University  of  Alagoas,  which  comes  to  hold  an  interdisciplinary  discussion on  development  and  sustainability,  whether  in  the  rural  environment  or urban. It  also  aims  to  provide  a  debate  of  ideas,  exposition  of  experiences  and  understanding  and systematization    of    knowledge    within the    scope    of the    issues    that    guide  ecodevelopment,  the  diverse  ways  in  which  ruralities  are  expressed  in  Brazil  and  on  the  management  of  natural  resources,  based  on  scientific  articles. which present content (research) relevant to this discussion.

Published: 2021-06-03

Ciências Agrárias

Ciências Ambientais

Ciências Biológicas

Ciências da Saúde

Ciências Exatas

Educação e Ensino

Zootecnia e Recursos Pesqueiros

Dossiê Temático - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade