Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022): Contribuições das ciências e das tecnologias para a sociedade

					View Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022): Contribuições das ciências e das tecnologias para a sociedade

With immense pleasure we bring you another Diversitas Journal issue. In this number 3 of volume 7, 62 articles of great care and responsibility by our authors in several universities spread across Brazil are presented. We travel through Biological, Agricultural, Environmental, Human Sciences, and continue with Linguistics, Education and Teaching, and we have a discussion in the self-interview format.

We hope that our themes presented will be of interest to you, for the good of society as the result of those who focus on building a better world, offering their knowledge and their personal and research group time.

Editorial Team

Published: 2022-07-02

Ciências Agrárias

Ciências Biológicas

Ciências Ambientais

Ciências da Saúde

Educação e Ensino

Dossiê Temático- Relatos de experiências no âmbito do PIBID e PRP