Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Práticas e reflexões sobre ensino, pesquisa e extensão

					View Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Práticas e reflexões sobre ensino, pesquisa e extensão

The role of science in building a new society with greater
opportunities to guarantee comfort and social well-being are presented to each actor
researcher at various levels of production spread across the country and the world. Same
With few financial resources, our researchers in each space reinvent the way
to extract your best, individually and collectively, to build a better world.
The first issue, of the first volume Diversitas Journalem 2021, has the theme: “Practice and reflections on teaching, research and extension”. In this sense, the Diversitas Journal, in Alagoas, Brazil, contributes to the socialization of scientific knowledge, art and culture. We hope you enjoy reading the articles presented.
The integration of teaching, research and extension represents a fundamental pillar in academic training, promoting a holistic education that prepares students for real-world challenges. Action research, for example, is a methodology that strengthens this integration, allowing students to actively participate in solving concrete problems, while at the same time developing critical and reflective skills. This collaborative approach between university and community expands learning opportunities, enriching the educational experience with practical experiences and theoretical reflections.
Extension programs, such as Educação Infantil na Roda, stand out for offering training experiences that are based on the tripod of university action, contributing significantly to the plural education of students.
Furthermore, critical action research highlights the importance of dialogue between universities and basic education, expanding spaces for participation and debate on educational policies. These innovative and reflective practices are essential for an education that transcends theoretical knowledge and engages with the social and cultural reality of students.

Published: 2021-02-02


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